Pathfinders is back this summer! Can we get a WOOHOO?! Read along for the exciting details. Firia Labs and Infosys Foundation USA have committed to providing NO COST to you teacher professional development which fully prepares teachers to deliver authentic project-based CS instruction using the industry-standard Python language. These scholarships are offered to US public school and charter school teachers.
Pathfinders Summer Institute 2023
Alicia Wilson
2023-05-15 06:00:00Z |
A cybersecurity professional development for up to 10 teachers and a summer camp for 40-50 students. There is a focus on combining computer science concepts with the growing field of cybersecurity. More details about registration coming soon! Student and teacher participants receive microbits and access to other resources, while teacher participants also receive a stipend. Monthly Meetups: TBA Summer Teacher Event: July 10th-July 14th, 2023 / Location: Laramie, Wy + Virtual Satelite Locations Distributed Cybersecurity Camps: Oct 2023 / Location: Various Who can sign up? Any K-12 teacher!
Alicia Wilson
2023-05-08 06:00:00Z |
FREE TEEN CAMP- Teens Exploring Careers
Laura Baker Board President, CyberWyoming Alliance
2023-04-03 06:00:00Z |
CodeHS has partnered with WDE to provide Wyoming Computer Science teachers with a preparatory course for the Computer Science Praxis.
CodeHS Hosting Summer Praxis Prep Course
Megan Garnhart
2023-03-06 07:00:00Z |
2023-03-02 07:00:00Z |
Our podcast with Dr. Hegeman-Davis is officially live! She recently joined the University of Wyoming School of Computing in 2022 and we are grateful to have had her join us. Her current research interests include Teacher training, K-12 Computer Science integration, STEM education in rural contexts, CS equity and inclusion, STEM pathways and retention, and educational policy.
Podcast Highlight - Dr. Hegeman-Davis
Alicia Wilson
2023-02-06 07:00:00Z |
The CSTA WY leadership team has reserved a room block for this summer's conference at the Ramada Plaza in Sheridan and dorm options at Sheridan College.
Available Lodging Options for 2023 WY CS Ed Conference
2023-02-06 07:00:00Z |
Encourage your high school students to become coders this summer with Girls Who Code! In our two free virtual programs, your students will learn the computer science skills they need to make an impact, meet inspiring professionals across diverse industries, and tap into lifelong college and career support to help them succeed in their first interviews and jobs. All high school girls and non-binary students are welcome to apply!
PD Spotlight: Girls Who Code
2023-02-06 07:00:00Z |
Wyoming Indian High School Electric Feather Robotics First Tech Competition program began in 2018. Scott Krassin is the head coach of the program. Gary Duquette and the Jackson RoboBroncs started the WIHS program. Our program has grown from one team participating in competitions in 2018 to having as many as 6 teams at the state competition in Casper last year. Our teams have acquired a variety of awards over the past 4 years.
Program Highlight: Electric Feather Robotics
2023-02-06 07:00:00Z |
Richard Winn has worked with computers since the early days (he got a Commodore 64) when they first came out. He was working in Food and Beverage in Las Vegas, but his love of all things computer was sparked. He ran his Bulletin Board System (BBS) back in the day on a dial-up 300-baud modem. He was self-taught on most things computer related, including BASIC programming. Richard worked his way up to being the Director of Food and Beverage in one of the Casino/Hotels. He got bored with this and decided to do something more stimulating. He was looking for a challenge.
Teacher Spotlight: Richard Winn
2023-01-02 07:00:00Z |
It's 7:15 am and I open the door to my room at Green River High School in Green River Wyoming. I start my day here as I go to Expedition Academy High School also in Green River in the afternoon. I have 53 students total in our first year at Green River High School offering Computer Science I courses and beginning next semester will offer Computer Science II at Green River High School and Computer Science III at Expedition Academy High School.
Teacher Spotlight: Sharon Seaton
2022-12-05 07:00:00Z |
Loud, orchestrated chaos, and a whole lot of fun can sum up a day spent with Mrs. Price. Melissa teaches STEAM to 1st - 5th-grade students at 5 different elementary schools in the Sheridan County School District #2. Students work collaboratively, in small groups of 2-3, while engaged in unplugged problem-solving activities, engineering projects, robotics, and computer programming. Rich discussions amongst students happen daily from understanding the strategies of computational thinking to working through the iterative process to solve a problem.
Teacher Spotlight: Melissa Price
2022-11-07 07:00:00Z |
Technology Education and Learning Support (TEALS) is a Microsoft Philanthropies program that builds sustainable computer science programs in high schools, with a focus on serving students excluded from learning CS because of race, gender, or geography. Microsoft TEALS helps classroom teachers learn to teach computer science on their own by pairing them with industry volunteers and proven curricula. The TEALS school application for 2023-2024 is now open. You can access the application at
School Program Opportunity: Microsoft TEALS
2022-11-07 07:00:00Z |
Firia Labs was born out of our passion and commitment to ensure that all students have access to real world computer programming learning opportunities. Our focus is to assist teachers and district leadership in moving students from block-based coding to learning Python in standard computer programming courses as well as cross-curricular experiences.
PD Spotlight: Firia Labs
2022-11-07 07:00:00Z |
CSTA Wyoming and the University of Wyoming have teamed up to bring you the second annual Teacher Hackathon - Titled: Change for Good. Educators across the state will build teams, define a problem, and create change for good. Register HERE.
CSTA Wyoming + UW Teacher Hackathon
Alicia Wilson
2022-09-19 06:00:00Z |
Hackathon |
Barb has been working with technology since "the olden days"-- in high school she learned programming on a computer where code was stored on cassette tapes, and then she progressed to using a “mini” computer with disks larger than a turkey platter. She has 26 years experience in public education, and an earlier career in software sales, testing, and training. Even when she worked for software developers she was more interested in helping people learn to use the technology than she was in creating it.
Teacher Spotlight: Barb Sanchez
Alicia Wilson
2022-09-15 06:00:00Z |
Join us in person for the Inaugural Wyoming Computer Science Education Conference on July 20 - 22, 2022 at Central Wyoming College in Riverton, Wy. The Computer Science Education Conference is an opportunity for administrators and educators from kindergarten through higher education, to share and explore computer science teaching and learning practices for classrooms and after school programs. This conference is hosted by the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA-Wyoming) and the Wyoming Department of Education (WDE).
Inaugural CS Education Conference
Alicia Wilson
2022-05-06 06:00:00Z |
CSTA,Wyoming CSTA |
Wyoming Educators Hackathon
James R Winn
2021-11-16 07:00:00Z |
CSTA,Hackathon,University of Wyoming,Wyoming CSTA |
Posted by CSTA Wyoming
Are you looking for a community of teachers who value computer science just like you?
This is YOUR Place!
CSTA Wyoming
2021-04-19 06:00:00Z |
Posted by CSTA WY on Jun 05, 2020
As we prepare for the implementation of the Wyoming Computer Science Standards in all schools by the year 2022, it's important that we come together. Please join your CSTA WY chapter for news on learning opportunities, networking, and strategies.
Come Together
2020-06-05 06:00:00Z |